Friday, June 14, 2013

The Fine Print

We've all seen it and most likely ignored it, its the fine print that instills fear. Anything 'bad" is written small, so small in fact that either very young eyes or magnifiers must be used to heed the warnings.  I've encountered some fine print that is most likely going to have me ill all weekend.  With only about three weeks until departure for my Asia Adventure its time to start taking one of the oral vaccines I was prescribed.
 As I previously wrote about in my post The Agony of Shots as much as I hate needles living with the feeling of nausea comes in a very close second.  In order to avoid another shot, I found out the Typhoid vaccine was available as an oral alternative, sign me up I thought at the time. Fast forward to today... what was I thinking?  Tomorrow is the first day I must start to take the prescription.  I opened the sealed box to find 4 capsules and a teeny tiny folded up piece of paper almost hidden in the special packaging.  My mistake was to actually unfold the tiny paper and read it.  Of course reading it was a task all its own since the print was so incredibly small. As soon as I saw all those tiny words I knew; trouble.  One paragraph appropriately labeled in bold, of course, was named "Adverse Reaction"  this is where I decided to start my read.  Contained within the paragraph is where I found the likely percentages of  which symptoms I would fall prey too. I don't think I need to list them here, I promise whatever popped into your brain is in that paragraph. Yup, really looking forward to this dosage. So one hour before I eat I will take the first pill with cold or luke-warm, water not to exceed a certain degree of chill as defined by my fine print.  I' ll be taking 1 pill every other day for a week. According to the fine print my reward will be immunity against Typhoid for 5 years.

As I write this post my son is on his way home from Hershey park where he spent the day indulging in chocolate kisses, chocolate nuggets,chocolate bars, frozen chocolate with a few  upside down roller coaster rides along with some spinning rides thrown in for good measure.  He'll come home with the same "adverse reactions" I read about in my fine print however, I think his way to achieving misery was much more fun.  I just may offer up to park officials the exact wording from the typhoid vaccine adverse reaction paragraph to include amongst all their legal mumble jumble which appears on the back of their park entry receipt.  When you think about it the results are practically interchangeable.    

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